How much do I need?
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What about it?
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How much do I need?
When and how do I get it?
What do I need it for?
What about it?
Some of our ideas and projects
Some pulleys and pails filled with 50/50 SLC compost and soil.
A lucky 2 yards.. really closer to 3 plus. Sometimes it comes out fast.
New 1/4" in parkstrip
Ponderosa St. with 14 mo. old compost.
Ponderosa St. with new 1/2" 7-19
1 year old compost in parkstrip.
Applied in early spring to aid in water and nutrition.
Same lawn still early spring.
Used to level lawn and save it. Tuned out well. Ponderosa st. also.
Sad but true...1 day
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